Hi Goodix-Team,
I want to kindly ask you, if there is a base driver for the GT911 (C-Code)?
At the moment I´m trying to implement the touch into the Renesas Synergy Platform.
And can you although send me the latest version of the Datasheet?
Thanks in advance!
I am also trying to write the driver for the GT911 touchscreen controller for the RK043FN66HS-CTG by "Rocktech Displays". I also would like the c source code for this, please send to aihazelton@gmail.com
Can you please assist with how to configure and read the touch data?
I am communicating via I2C at 100 kbps and can send an receive data just fine. The programming manual and datasheet are quite vague as to how to set up the GT911. I need to use the GT911 in polling mode and only need to read one touch position at a time.
This is good as it means that the GT911 is working correctly, please see the attached waveform images.
0x8158 - Point 1 x coordinate (low byte)
0x8159 - Point 1 x coordinate (high byte)
0x815A - Point 1 y coordinate (low byte)
0x815B - Point 1 y coordinate (high byte)
Also, I forgot to mention that I am developing a driver for embedded 'C' for an STM32F757 microcontroller on IAR workbench. Please send example code in 'C' on how to obtain a single finger touch co-ordinate in both polling mode and interrupt mode.
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